Striving for a better you and a successful life? Read how you can you use positive affirmations for success & wealth. Read more in this guide.

Stressed. Depressed. Stuck in a rut. Struggling to make it through the day..

If any of these feelings describe your working life, you might benefit from the power of positive thinking regarding your success.

Yes, applying these affirmations is much more than a cliche. Studies have shown that the right mindset can literally change the pathways of your brain, including the actions that follow.

Positive affirmations can boost your mood, improve your cognitive function, increase your adrenal response and enhance everything from your productivity to your performance.

One way to unlock these superpowers specifically for your career, is through applying positive affirmations for success. Below you will find a few examples of these extraordinary ‘change-makers’:

  1. I find it easy to constantly work and to be productive.
  2. I have the power to reach all my goals.
  3. My mind can make wishes come true.
  4. I am humble and always ready to learn.
  5. Everything that is happening right now is happening for my ultimate good.

Positive affirmations for success can help you break the chains of negative thinking towards your career and your future endeavors.

They can move you, inspire you, cheer you on during good times and comfort you during the bad. They can even change your entire approach to life.

The trick, however, is to utilize affirmations in a real, meaningful and effective way.

You can’t just click your heels three times and expect a motivational quote to work like a magic spell.

There’s a strategy to using affirmations for health, wealth and wisdom. So, buckle up if you want to know how you can apply positive affirmations for a successful and wealthy life.

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Positive Affirmations for Success: What Works for You?

First of all; all types of motivation are valid. You just have to figure out what works best for you as an individual.

You might be thinking, “What if I don’t know what motivates me?“. And that’s okay. It’s a perfectly normal question.

You can, however, figure this out by asking yourself more questions. For example:

  1. What are your goals in life?
  2. What do you find empowering?
  3. Who are your idols? How do they talk to themselves and others?
  4. What kind of pep talks make you feel worse instead of better?
  5. Are you afraid of failure, or are you afraid of success?

This kind of self-assessment can help you determine which kind of motivation is best for you.

If you have anxiety, for example, you might not enjoy “tough love” talk, as it might put more pressure on you.

On the flip side, if you struggle with laziness and are looking for something to kick your butt into gear, tough love might be just what you need to get things done.

Regardless of the type of motivation that you prefer, self-assessment is critical to finding good, relevant affirmations for your own personal journey.

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Determine Your Goals for the Future

Do you want to reprogram your mind for success and wealth? Do you want to secure a promotion at work, achieve a certain financial goal, or pursue financial freedom?

You might be seeking motivation for any number of reasons. Whether it’s for your career, education, family, finance or something else entirely, it’s important to recognize that not every inspirational quote is going to apply to every situation.

For example, here are some thoughts on self-confidence:

  • “What you want exists. Don’t settle until you get it.”
  • “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.”
  • “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

Here are some quotes about overcoming failure:

  • “Failure is success in progress.”
  • “Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen.”
  • “Your true competition is your former self. If you can be better than you were before, you win.”

Here are some positive affirmations for success at work:

  • “I will make all my dreams come true and positively shock everyone.”
  • “Success isn’t an accident. It’s a decision, and I’ve chosen it.”
  • “What I am doing today is getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow.”

Different quotes will speak to you depending on what you’re hoping to achieve in your life.

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Be Careful with Accidental Negative Formulations

Remember to only use positive affirmations in this process. Therefore, you should always be cautious regarding accidental negative formulations.

Why? Because your subconsciousness takes all formulations literally, instead of looking at the context in which the word is used.

A negative formulation could be something like: “I am not a failure.

Instead, a better formulation could be: “I possess all the skills and knowledge to become successful this year.

Try to keep this in mind during this entire process.


Examples of Positive Affirmations for Success

Applying affirmations can be an excellent tool for overcoming self-doubt when trying to become successful.

Many people have already discovered this, which is why you can find millions of websites with long lists of affirmations.

To help you further, we’ve established a list of examples specifically focusing on positive affirmations for success and wealth:

  1. “I am powerful and limitless.”
  2. “I am successful in all my future endeavors. “
  3. “Happiness is present in every thought that I have.”
  4. “I can achieve anything that I want.”
  5. “I am organized and disciplined.”
  6. “My personality exudes confidence. I am bold and outgoing.”
  7. “I bravely enter this world full of infinite possibilities and happiness.”
  8. “There are no limits to the amount of wealth that I can own.”
  9. “I am constantly learning.”
  10. “I let go of poverty thinking and I embrace the abundance thinking.”
  11. “Because I am committed to constant improvement, my performance is improving everyday.”
  12. “I am worthy and receptive to all the wealth that life has to offer.”
  13. “I have the power to reach all my goals.”


How To Incorporate Positive Affirmations for Success?

You’ve found some good affirmations. They inspire you and resonate with you. The next step is actually utilizing these positive affirmations for success and wealth.

1. Memorizing and repeating

The easiest way to absorb an affirmation is to memorize it and repeat it every single day, for months or years to come.

This sounds extreme, but it’s absolutely necessary for your subconscious mind to absorb the new affirmations as your new reality.

This method is best for short sayings that can build your confidence and get you ready for any and all situations.

2. Replace old and negative affirmations

If you have a problem with negative thoughts, you can also find specific affirmations to replace them.

Rather than wallowing in a bad mood, you can re-frame your thinking to lift yourself out of a “doom and gloom” mindset:

  • I failed.” –> This is a chance to try again and do it better the second time around.
  • “I’m scared.” –> I’m nervous because I’m doing something that’s worth it.
  • “I can’t do this.” –> I’m challenging myself, and my success will be even sweeter because of it.

Creating a new structure for old, negative thought patterns is a great way to build a better mindset. Not only will you incorporate positive affirmations into your daily life, you will also transform negative thoughts into something better.

3. Listen to YouTube video’s at night

Another option is to build nightly routines around placing new affirmations. You could, for example, listen to YouTube video’s every night right before falling asleep. These video’s will repeatedly mention several affirmations for your mind to take in.

Here’s an example of a video containing positive affirmations for success and wealth:

The advantage of listening to these types of video’s is that, even if you’ve fallen asleep eventually, the effects will still go on.

This is because our subconsciousness, the part of our brain that is responsible for stored affirmations and personal beliefs, is still active when we’re asleep.

Only the consciousness is absent during this process, which is actually an ideal phenomenon, as the consciousness – in most cases – is the single thing that gets in the way during the process of placing new affirmations.

And why daily? Well, this is because the daily repetition will help you internalize the new affirmations as statements of fact, rather than just wishful thoughts.

We advise you to try it out for yourself for a longer period of time. After a few weeks or so, you will definitely notice a difference. We guarantee it.

Commit To The Change

Are you ready to make a change in your life? Are you serious about achieving your goals, building better habits and fixing your self-esteem to the point where absolutely anything is possible?

Affirmations can definitely help. They can be the key to unlocking your true potential once and for all.

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Life shrinks or expands in response to one’s courage. Just remember that.

Good luck!

PS: Click Here to Reboot Your Mindset to A Millionaire Mindset

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