Hypnotherapy. You must’ve heard it before. On the TV, in the newspaper, from the woman next door.

The most famous association is ‘stage hypnosis’, where a hypnotiser claims to control the mind and body of his subjects.

This, however, is an extremely popular misconception regarding hypnotherapy.

Let me emphasize this: this is not what a hypnotherapist does.

Okay. So, they don’t try to turn you into a brainless zombie cackling like a chicken.

But what does a hypnotherapist really do?

In this article I will answer the following questions:

  1. What does a hypnotherapist do?
  2. Example of a complaint where a hypnotherapist may be useful
  3. Which complaints can a hypnotherapist help you with?
  4. What exactly happens during a hypnotherapy session?
  5. What does hypnosis feel like?
  6. Going to a hypnotherapist

Learn to love youself again with hypnotherapy - Read everything you need to know.

What does a hypnotherapist do?

To make a long story short: A hypnotherapist can make changes in your subconscious mind.

This is a part of your brain that you have no control over, yet influences 90% of your actions. It has mainly formed itself based on the 0 – 4th year of your childhood.

A hypnotherapist tries to ‘communicate‘ with your subconsciousness, in order to convert negative emotions and beliefs into positive ones.

They apply positive suggestions so that the certain complaints, often caused by repressed trauma and or emotion ā€“ diminishes or even disappears.

Read also: How to Become a Hypnotherapist Online

Example of a complaint where a hypnotherapist may be useful:

Imagine being a child who craved attention from its mother. You creatively searched for ways to provoke it, but your mother was always busy doing other things. She was busy with the phone for example, or visiting friends, or maybe even a younger sibling.

She never looked your way. That’s when you’re subconscious mind started to interpret and store this as ‘I’m not important enough‘.

This may have caused you to feel ‘not important enough’ for the rest of your life. Un-subconsciously.

Throughout your life, certain situations can trigger this emotion again. Even in situations where the reaction is not justifiable. In other words: it negatively influences your daily life and possibly also the work space.

In that case a hypnotherapist can apply positive suggestions in your subconsciousness, so that this negative emotion – including the triggers – diminishes or disappears.

Do you have certain triggers? Without a clearly defined reason? Think about it for a minute. Probably you’ve got something stored up over there without even realizing it.

A woman laying on the sofa experiencing what does hypnosis feel like

Which complaints can a hypnotherapist help you with?

Hypnotherapy can provide a solution for a large number of different complaints, such as:

All of these complaints can be effectively reduced or even disappear entirely.

* The studies into the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have yielded positive results in both America and the Netherlands. Though, it is recommended to find a hypnotherapist who has specialized in the irritable bowel syndrome treatment.

What exactly happens during a hypnotherapy session?

You may have already visited a hypnotherapist before, but for many people the method is still quite unclear.

What exactly happens if you go to a hypnotherapist? And what happens when you are under hypnosis?

Well, first of all, the hypnotherapists brings you into a form of trance. During this trance you keep complete control over mind and body (I cannot repeat this enough).

By getting into this state of trance, the hypnotherapist can make contact with your own subconscious mind, the part of your brain that you simply cannot reach yourself.

During this sessions you discover possibilities and solutions that suit you personally. You learn to recognize the physical complaints you had earlier and learn to experience these complaints in a different, more positive way

This causes the negative emotion connected to your complaint to reduce or disappear entirely, creating a positive mindset that is no longer affected by the trauma stored in the subconsciousness.

What does hypnosis feel like?

The hypnosis trance is a combination of deep relaxation and focused attention, that feels reassuring and relaxing.

Your attention shifts from your thinking world to your emotional world. You learn to be completely relaxed and then make contact with your problems.

The feeling of trance is comparable to blending into a book or movie in such a way that you can completely exclude the environment for a period of time. Or to doing things on the “automatic pilot” while your attention is elsewhere.

This causes the negative emotion connected to your complaint to reduce or disappear entirely, creating a positive mindset that is no longer affected by the trauma stored in the subconsciousness.

It’s nice to know that the solutions for your complaints are already within you. Also, it’s good to remember that positive suggestions placed by the hypnotherapists have a lasting effect.

Learn to love youself again with hypnotherapy - Read everything you need to know.

Going to a hypnotherapist

Are you thinking about going to a hypnotherapist? Well, according to the hypnotherapists themselves, everyone is suitable for hypnosis.

However, hypnotherapy generally does not provide good results for psychotic or severely depressed patients, as they are not receptive enough to thew new suggestions.

There are many (Free) Hypnosis MP3’s available that can help you with your specific problem. You can repeatedly listen to the recordings at home, until the negative beliefs in your subconsciousness have disappeared.

Download these Hypnosis MP3 for self hypnosis at home
Download these Hypnosis MP3 for self improvement. Anytime, anywhere you want.

Do you prefer a real session instead? Most countries have a few local hypnotherapists in the area. My advice would be to search online for a local hypnotherapists that fits your own personal preferences and needs. One that simply feels warm, good and trustworthy.

When you make your first appointment, tell the therapist what exactly you are coming for. This way, the hypnotherapist can prepare properly for your session, which will have a positive effect on your session overall – including the results.

Most countries have a few local hypnotherapists in the area. My advice would be to search online for a local hypnotherapists that fits your own personal preferences and needs.

I hope this information has been helpful to you. I wish you all the best with your own journey of self-improvement. To retrieve positivity and joy again.

But above all, to love yourself.

Questions about hypnotherapist in general?

Do you have any questions about what kind of methods a hypnotherapist perform? Or do you have any other question about hypnosis?

Iā€™m here to help. You can contact me by sending an email to [email protected]

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