What is hypnotherapy?

You’ve probably seen the word hypnotherapy before. But what is hypnotherapy exactly? And how does it work?

We’ve notice that there is still a lot of confusion around this matter. That’s why we’ll answer the following questions in this article:

  1. What is hypnotherapy?
  2. What is the subconscious mind?
  3. What influence does the subconscious mind have on my daily life?
  4. Can I change my subconscious mind myself?
  5. What happens during a hypnosis session?
  6. How does hypnosis feel?
  7. How do I make an appointment for a hypnotherapy session?

What is hypnotherapy?

What is hypnotherapy.. Well, a common misconception about hypnotherapy (and hypnosis) is that it’s crazy hocus pocus where you lose control over your mind and body. Some creepy magic that makes you bark like a dog or turns you into a braindead zombie.

This is not true. You have complete control during a hypnotherapy session. Over mind and body.

Also, hypnotherapy is not ‘something to believe in’. It’s a form of therapy that focuses on an actual part of the human brain. As a worldwide acknowledged form of therapy, hypnotherapy is entirely based on neurological knowledge.

Hypnotherapy focuses on the subconscious part of the human brain. A part of which many people aren’t even aware of its existence.

A hypnotherapist can make changes in the subconscious mind. They apply positive suggestions so that the certain complaints, often caused by repressed trauma and / or emotion – diminishes or even disappears.

 This includes treatments for overweight, fears, sleeping problems, quitting with smoking, other addictions, traumas, negativity and many more.

In other words: hypnotherapy changes your subconscious mind. The therapy uses various methods to positively influence the subconsciousness of the client, so that the client can live a life without the physical or mental complaint.

What exactly is the subconscious mind? You can read more about this in the next section.


What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is, among other things, a collection of emotions and beliefs that you have saved during your life.

It is an automatic pilot that you cannot influence yourself directly, but that determines 95% of your actions nonetheless.

Your childhood years from 0 to 4 form an incredibly important rol, as certain events from this period have been largely stored and repressed in the subconscious mind.

They are forgotten, hidden and – as a means of self-defense – can no longer be recalled by the consciousness.

For example, if you never received attention as a child, this could result in a lifelong belief that “not being good enough.” And because you – unconsciously – never feel good enough, you remain stuck in a vicious circle of inferiority. Even if you are now 50.

The most common negative beliefs are as follows:

  1. I have to be perfect for the outside world.
  2. I am not important enough.
  3. Other people are much more successful or smarter than me.
  4. I’m not worth it all.
  5. If I say “no”, no one will love me anymore.
  6. I have to be strong and tough in this world.
  7. I am never lucky. Bad things always happen to me.
  8. Emotions make me weak.

Read also: How to Use Highly Influencing And Positive Affirmations for Success?

What influence does the subconscious mind have on my daily life?

The stored negative beliefs and emotions in our subconscious can be so intense that they ultimately form an (extreme) barrier to our daily lives.

Thus, past events can still have major impacts, without you realizing it. Perhaps you’ve had a difficult birth? A broken family when you were younger? Experiences with domestic violence? Or perhaps even sexual abuse?

Our subconscious mind can arrange that we have no memory of this. Therefore, this mechanism has a function. The function to protect us from constantly remembering painful events.

But all these past events often still leave a heavy mark on our daily lives. As a result, you may be holding up a concrete wall for the rest of your life, resulting in – for example – strongly disliking physical touch, constantly being wary of trusting other people, or being completely closed off from feeling any emotion.

Perhaps you’re thinking: “But having an automatic protection mechanism isn’t so bad, right?”. Well, maybe. But at the same time – in the long run – these negative beliefs no longer protect you.

Instead, they keep you from opening up to people, even when it is safe to do so. The high concrete walls also keep well-meaning people out, and you become unnecessarily suspicious.

Eventually it will prevent you from being happy. Truly happy.

Can I change the subconscious mind myself?

The short answer is no.

It’s not possible to change the subconscious mind by yourself. Unless you’re a master in self-hypnosis – and if so, go ahead by all means – but for now let’s assume that you’re not.

So how can you make changes to the subconsciousness? This is where a hypnotherapist comes in.

A hypnotherapist specializes in the methodology of the subconscious mind. Through hypnosis we work on the negative sabotaging emotions and beliefs so that we can convert these into positive ones.

The speed of the process, and the amount of sessions needed, are completely dependent on the client itself. One client can improve very quickly, whereas the other client can discover more emotional baggage along the road that eventually needs to be addressed during extra sessions.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

What exactly happens during a hypnosis session?

We would like to emphasize in advance that every hypnosis practice is different and uses its own method(s). The following information is based on hypnotherapy sessions at our own practice in The Netherlands.

Every hypnosis trajectory starts with an intake interview, followed by the first introduction to hypnosis. During this session you fill in a questionnaire and talk to the hypnotherapist about your complaint.

Together you determine an objective for the treatment(s) and make an action plan for the upcoming sessions. Next, you will lightly become acquainted with hypnosis for the first time.

Download free hypnosis MP3’s for instant hypnotherapy sessions at home.

During the following sessions you will be brought into a deep state of relaxation. You lie down in a comfortable chair and close your eyes.

A soft and calm voice guides you intro a certain state of trans. This is needed to place new suggestions in your subconscious mind. You keep full control over mind and body.

Once in hypnosis we will look for the cause of your complaint. This can possibly be something that you’re not aware of, or something that you pushed away a long time ago.

By ‘talking’ to your subconscious mind, we can potentially discover the cause. We then resolve the complaint together with the subconscious mind so that it subsides and / or disappears.

In addition, we place new suggestions in the subconscious mind so that the complaint will not return.

Read also: 12 Life-Changing Ways To Benefit From A Trance State Of Mind

A woman laying on the sofa experiencing what does hypnosis feel like

How does hypnosis feel?

When you are under hypnosis you are in a deep state of relaxation. This feels similar to being completely absorbed into a book.

Or to driving a car on autopilot mode, when you’ve suddenly arrived home without remembering it. You still hear the environment, but you don’t respond to it.

If you feel uncomfortable during the hypnosis you can stop this at any time, simply by opening your eyes. Though, most of our clients have told us that they experience hypnosis as a pleasant experience.

Almost everyone goes into hypnosis. Only in a few people this does not work, just as other therapies or medicines are not suitable for everyone.

Is hypnosis not working for you? Then there are still other techniques available. It’s best to discuss this with your own hypnotherapist.

A young man in a green field that looks up to a beautiful blue golden sky wondering what is hypnotherapy

How do I make an appointment for a hypnosis treatment?

Most countries have a few local hypnotherapists in the area. My advice would be to search online for a local hypnotherapists that fits your own personal preferences and needs.

One that simply feels good and trustworthy for you.

Do you live in The Netherlands? Then I would recommend Hypnotherapie Heemskerk. Their hypnotherapists are highly professional, with warm personalities and a lot of good reviews.

I hope this information has been helpful to you. I wish you all the best with your own journey of self-improvement. To retrieve positivity and joy again.

But above all, to love yourself.

Questions about hypnotherapy?

Do you have any questions about the definition of hypnotherapy and what this form of treatment can do for others?

I’m here to help. You can contact me by sending an email to [email protected]

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